Its like fear, some cry and others laugh, all thoughts can be like and dislike, that is for learning judge will come back and judge yourself by thoughts. nothing can hurt spirit we all have that ability to say I AM, now the body gets effected by our thoughts, healthy can get cancer and die young, they created by believing good and bad, and some don't worry about any of it, they know death is not a victory and laughed at by our spirit that knows what grace and love can defeat any fear or any evil created by thoughts. the earthy body does return to dust, .
Hi all dear brother and sisters. If smoking ciggerettes was classed as a sin, would you obey that law ?
Firstly there is no mention of smoking ciggerettes in our bible, so i can only assume they where not invented then.
However i need to ask the question, why is adultery the only sin you can commit against your own body.
Flee fornication. Every other sin which a man doeth is outside the body, but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.
I have a strong belief that the five sences of the body all get defiled and polluted when you smoke cigerettes, thus making smoking ciggerettes a sin against the body (the flesh) which then gives a demon the ability to possess the flesh of the body. would this be the same for adultery,
Firstly there is no mention of smoking ciggerettes in our bible, so i can only assume they where not invented then.
However i need to ask the question, why is adultery the only sin you can commit against your own body.
Flee fornication. Every other sin which a man doeth is outside the body, but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.
I have a strong belief that the five sences of the body all get defiled and polluted when you smoke cigerettes, thus making smoking ciggerettes a sin against the body (the flesh) which then gives a demon the ability to possess the flesh of the body. would this be the same for adultery,
It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles, it is the words that come from the heart - that's according to Jesus. (Matthew 15:11). You've just condemned some the most influential and godly men in history, Charles Spurgeon for one. I have never smoked by the way. I don't pretend to like it and I would encourage people to quit, as I did with my daughter. It's a waste of money.
It is a natural issue. Some people are unaffected by smoking. Some who have never smoked suffer lung cancer. Satan is the source of all sickness and disease.
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