I agree that smoking is not at all wise or praiseworthy. I'm not sure much of what any believers do is praiseworthy. I don't really agree that it is a bad witness. It's just a thing. I think the mindset about smoking is all from the world and we just follow along. And if it gets you to heaven more quickly, how bad can it be? lol.. no, really, I believe the Lord has appointed a time for all of us to die. It's up to him. Pastor Chuck Smith from Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa (where my hubby and I met) died of lung cancer and never smoked a cigarette in his life.. so..
Carnal Christians hurt the body of Christ and the witness of the Gospel. In one sense smoking was compared to overeating at a buffet.
Yet overeating is not praiseworthy that too will not send you to hell as smoking will not either. But are other things that Christians have done that were more than questionable of their walk with Christ?
Let's look at the depravity of a little leaven, shall we? Here are just a few things those who profess Christ do and will defend it. Just measure each one and ask Would Jesus do any of these things or did he in the word of God.
- smoke cigarettes
- smoke recreational marijuana
- drink beer
- watch movies with explicit sexual context like rated "R"
- over eat
- support gay marriage
- support trangenderism
- get a divorce and remarry
- mary gay people
- support abortion
- suggest there are more ways to God than through HIM
YET so many professing Christian support and do these very things. If there is no difference between a Christian and one who is lost, tell me again why I need to give my life to Jesus?
Paul said I put away those things that would cause one in the faith who is weaker to stumble for their sake I do not do them.
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