For the record, even though my wife is an SDA I don't believe that they are the 'true' church either, but rather just another body of believers in Christ. Jesus said that wherever 2 or 3 are gathered in His name He would be in the midst of them.
You are correct about the Sunday observance being associated with the mark of the beast. I don't believe this to be accurate because as it now stands, most people in the world don't even attend church regardless of the day being Saturday or Sunday.
However, the SDA do believe that salvation comes from contrite confession of sin, Jesus dying of the cross for the remission of sin and that by inviting the Holy Spirit to live inside you He will comfort and guide you in the lifelong repentance process.
Many years ago I used to read the Plain Truth, a monthly magazine put out by the World Wide Church of God. Interesting reading but not really scripturally sound.
Yes, the Sabbath is a core belief of the SDA. Since the forth commandment states to 'remember' to keep holy the Sabbath, this doctrine has spiritual basis that merits serious consideration in my opinion. Yeah, they got a lot of dietary rules that the members are urged to follow but also say that it is not a sin if one choses to disregard them.
As a denomination I would have to say that the SDA is a spiritually sound body of believers but what do I know since I was born and raised a Catholic. That particular denomination has its share of spiritual issues as well but there is a firm spiritual correct salvation message, Yeah, they throw in a lot of side issues that are spiritually suspect as well that distract from the gospel message.
You are correct about the Sunday observance being associated with the mark of the beast. I don't believe this to be accurate because as it now stands, most people in the world don't even attend church regardless of the day being Saturday or Sunday.
However, the SDA do believe that salvation comes from contrite confession of sin, Jesus dying of the cross for the remission of sin and that by inviting the Holy Spirit to live inside you He will comfort and guide you in the lifelong repentance process.
Many years ago I used to read the Plain Truth, a monthly magazine put out by the World Wide Church of God. Interesting reading but not really scripturally sound.
Yes, the Sabbath is a core belief of the SDA. Since the forth commandment states to 'remember' to keep holy the Sabbath, this doctrine has spiritual basis that merits serious consideration in my opinion. Yeah, they got a lot of dietary rules that the members are urged to follow but also say that it is not a sin if one choses to disregard them.
As a denomination I would have to say that the SDA is a spiritually sound body of believers but what do I know since I was born and raised a Catholic. That particular denomination has its share of spiritual issues as well but there is a firm spiritual correct salvation message, Yeah, they throw in a lot of side issues that are spiritually suspect as well that distract from the gospel message.
The African ones are closer to being heretical in most respects, but Africans do not believe abortion is permissible like the SDA organization teaches.
Plain Truth was just the tip of the iceberg. It was formulated to attract prophecy nuts. My Armstrongite pastor called it the "worm" that covers the hook. Prophecy nuts would read it, then get hooked on Armstrongism through other materials. I was the son of an Armstrongite member, though, so I didn't really get hooked by the Plain Truth. Funny thing is, I strongly disliked Herbert Armstrong as a young person. I used to call him Pervert Armstrong and my mother would have fits. But, then eventually, I gullibly accepted his teachings.
I have one Facebook friend who is a SDA and I like him. I believe he has a good understanding of Christianity. But, he won't join their general conference due to their position on abortion.
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