I've been trying to get other people to watch that documentary, "The Ark and the Darkness" so that I can talk about it with them
This was a good documentary and I enjoyed it.
In the beginning and the end of the documentary they talk about the second judgment and they say we need to be “ready”.
For me this mindset is something which I can’t understand.
Ready for what exactly? That finally we will be free from this fallen world?
The other thing is that for me the Kingdom of God is here and now in my heart, so if the second Judgment comes today at 5PM or in 1.3 billions from now, I’m already in a spiritual connection with God. Short of me seeing Him or touching Him, I’m already there mentally and spiritually.
So, that’s why for me it’s hard to understand this mindset which carries a message of doom and gloom and no other instructions.
Because I don’t see doom and gloom in the second judgment, I see Relief.
The beginning of the documentary also speaks of free-will, another important concept to me which I agree with.
I don’t agree with the literal 6 day creation timeline as I’ve mentioned before but I have no doubt that God has created us. The details here for me at least, are a bit of a mystery. Science or the Bible can’t give me these fine details. But in no way this gives me any problems with my Faith.
They also talk about original sin which I agree with, the condition we find ourselves in, separated from God, in a sinful state.
They also talked about Entropy which I am familiar with and I’m glad they made that connection after original sin. I can say a lot about this alone and I love all the possibilities including where Eden was and how our bodies were and what the Tree was made of.
They also had some footage there where men were hunting dinosaurs, which I filed under creative license in movies or documentaries, kinda like The Chosen has a bit of a creative license sometimes.
The other thing that seemed a bit unbelievable is when the documentary tries to make Noah a specialist of biology which I also filed under creative license because they used modern language such as dna or evolution.
They also pointed some holes in the Evolution theory there which I’m familiar with and I agree with.
Evolution theory like the other member who posted here said, it’s a theory, a best-guess based on observation, which with the discovery of new evidence will self-correct itself. So it's not set in stone.
They do say that we must have Faith for some of these details, something which I 100% agree with.
Then they talk about the size of the flood. What is local or was it global?
Well, I tend to go with local, simply because the writings that come to us, come from the area which was considered “the world” back then. Middle East and Mediterranean region was “the world”.
The documentary speaks of this too towards to the end and calls Mesopotamia the cradle of civilization.
I also filed the separation of continents from the flood under the unbelievable category since we know and measure the depths of the Earth and plate tectonics. This is a stable theory, as stable as E=MC2 because we have satellites in space which measure when continents move even a centimeter.
But as the other member you were discussing with earlier said, science is open to change and self-correction when new evidence is discovered.
Another thing that was interesting to me is that some of these so-called “skeptics” were using high-computing technology and simulations to disprove other “skeptics”.
Towards the end they also speak of the Protestant’s version of Salvation, which I’ve heard many times before so all good there.
One of the persons or pastor or whoever he was in documentary, kept repeating the notion that we are all sinners whom i agreed with. This is a key concept which I learned since I was young and did Bible studies and it’s a concept which is essential to our fallen world here in separation from God.
A key prayer I say commonly is “Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner”.
Paul also said that he was the chief among sinners.
So for me at least, this is something that’s very clear.
Finally an important consideration here which we’ve talked about in my church many times, is how exactly do you call God after this event?
We call Him a Merciful God. This is why I am at peace on His hands. I am at His mercy. I have no fear. He is the Almighty Creator so He can literally do anything, which means that I have nothing to fear when I am completely helpless towards my Creator. So I go to Him even if He is displeased with me. He is all I have in this existence.
The other important aspect of this, for me at least, is that this event should not be an event which sort of “proves” anything about God.
God’s glory is all around us in this Creation so for me there are no doubts because I find His signature everywhere and I don’t need one event such as the Flood to “prove” His existence or glory.
And science is not this “thing” that sits alone out there which opposes God. It simply glorifies God because science is people like us, asking “how” questions and we are left with more questions since our minds are incapable of understanding all the details of God’s Creation.
So, what would you like to talk about?