Let.s say you have a son..and he did something terible, hurt someone or broke something...you as a parent, would you send him to burn in hell for eternity because of that?...i guess not, cause he's your son and you love him...so i ask you..how could God punish people with an eternity in hell because of their sins...God, who is pure love...he could to that? Isn.t that a little cruel?
But friend he chose not to and that cost him his own son. By that grace that he displayed on Calvary he has given us forgiveness, and he has given us the power to become son's and daughters of the most high God. That's the message you have missed.
God isn't against you he's for you....for even yet while we were sinners, mockers, scorners, fit for that fire you talk about Christ died for us. It doesn't have to be that way in fact God's thoughts toward you are precious each and every day.
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