hahaaaaaa i know all heresy hunters will click on this........
but see i had a dream about this and im thinking does the bible always remain the final authority??????? its said today in many creeds and such..... but if u look at the bible, there are times when people are commanded to do something that the church would condemn today u see..... i mean the story where that mon is asked to marry a harlot and has to 'buy' her own wife back u see....... if u married a prost/harlot today ud be scolded for sure and bombed with bible quotes but this mon did it anyway...........
another situation is where rahab was commended for lying to the king's messengers which is in violation of the bible's commandments too (lies)............ and then we have the big patriach that big boi big man jacob who also lied to his own father and no consequences came......... there are probably more examples u see.
so what im saying is how does this fit with the bible final authority thing we read in all of the creeds these people disobeyed bible and it was fine and dandy sometimes even God ordained??????? the church would condemn all these people 100% if they did those things today........
and dont worry im not fikkle i got my helmet on its gonna be a bumpy ride for me hahahaha for this thread......