True, but there are Gentiles who come to Christ after the Rapture, they are the Martyrs under the Altar a the 5th Seal, even though they do not happen at the 5th Seal, the Seals are not actionable, thus they happen over the Anti-Christs 42-month reign of terror. So, we do have a Remnant Church in the 70th week, that is what we see in Rv. 12:17, that Remnant CAN NOT be Jews, it can only be the Remnant Church on earth. The phraseology tells us that. The Dragon can't get at the Woman (1/3 who repents) and the Remnant of her seed (Jesus is the seed see Gal 3) can't be the 2/3 who do not repent, because they do not have the testimony of Jesus. So, this Remnant can only be te Gentile Church ON EARTH, who come unto Christ after the Rapture.
I caught something a few months back, notice the 50 % reference in both cases, there will be 5 of 10 brides who do not make the wedding and ONE will be taken and ONE will be left in the field in Matt. 24:36-51. I think Jesus is telling us, half of those calling themselves Christians at the time of the rapture will be exposed as frauds. So, out of 2 billion people, maybe 1 Billion or so will be Raptured and the others will be very surprised.
There is no need to be Raptured at the end of the GT, Jesus is coming to earth to rule, AND those who were Martyrs and refused the Mark of the Beast will live and reign on earth for 1000 years, with Jesus. So, there is no need for a Rapture.
You will love this, the Author is unknown to me, but I have used this for years.
It's designed to get Israel to REPENT. That is why its the 70th and last week, in wg=hich they repent. If they had turned to God 2000 some odd years ago, IMHO, Jesus would have saved them from Rome (the fourth beast) then, but He fooreknew they would not repent, of course.
The Church Age ends with the Rapture (Rev. 4:1) thus he is given power over the Saints because they missed the wedding and became true Christians only after the Rapture, AND Saints are a generic name for all Jews in the Holy bible via the Old Testament. Thus in Rev. 17 where it is said the Harlot (False Religion) Martyrs the Saints AND the Martyrs of Jesus, it means the Jewish people and the Christians. So, this identifies the Harlot as being on both sides of the cross. The Church age end before the 70th week begins.