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lol. believe 3,000,000 humans over God's Word. wow.
There is no conflict whatsoever between the word of God in the Bible and the truths that God, in His sovereignty, has taught us through men whom He has blessed with an excellent education.
i have studied Hebrew and Greek, all of it dung. If God reveals something to someone, then believe that. If a person reveals something that He has learned via his/her own intellect, Always question that. What God tells a person is always TRUE. What men tells a person based on their own intellect, is always subject to the sway of satan.
God reveals His secrets to His servants. If than a person reveals what God has told Him/her to others, that is TRUTH. But if man reveals to others what they have come up with via their own interpretations, their own studies, their own intellect. Always question what they are saying as TRUTH.
For example, scholars and learned people can all come up with intelligent assumption what the locusts are in Revelations, using their advanced education, their superior intellect, their countless hours of Hebrew and Greek application, their cross referencing this with that, and then they come up with an assumption what the locusts are.
And God reveals this secret to His servant. Who do you believe? Well this generation doesn't beleive God speaks to people anymore, so guess who this generation will believe, they will believe the men with, what did you call them?, Oh yeah excellent education. Lol as if men could actually interpret the Word of God.
Interpretations belong to God not to men.
PERIOD!!! Any person who tries to interpret the Word of God via their own intellect, their own excellent education will be and usually are under the sway of satan. Why? because they are trying to interpret the Word of God as if they actually could do such a thing.
Interpretation belong to God not to men.
According to the old Roman Catholic tradition that Genesis 1-11 should be interpreted as an accurate account of historic events, God did “create the Earth out of thin air in 6 days.” However, I refuse to be in bondage to old Roman Catholic traditions over and above the inspired word of God! Moreover, God did not die, retire, or fall asleep nearly 2,000 years ago! Indeed, God is still blessing us with information that helps us to better and better understand his awesome creation of the earth, and the most noble of all of his creatures, man!
And how does God bless us with information? Are you not saying by excellent education? Are you not saying via our own intellect, our own studies?
Amo_3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.
So God reveals to whom God will reveal. So then anyone who tries to get those secrets some other way (ie, their own studies, Hebrew, Greek, their own intellect, their own minds, etc... ) will be swayed by satan to believe a false doctrine.
i have studied Hebrew and Greek. i have devoted to study living in a monastery, i have read the entire Bible over 80 times in my life. All of it dung compared to what God has told me concerning His Word, and what is to come.
What i teach is what God has told me, i rarely if ever teach anything at all that i have learned via my own studies of Scriptures. But what i have done quite a bit though, is remember Scriptures that confirms all that He told me in conversation. For example God told me that He is coming with the New City Jerusalem, to take up the Church during the middle of the Tribulation Period. Now when i read the Bible, i see all the verses that confirm that what He told me is actually TRUE. NOT that i used my intellect, but only believing what He told me, and seeing the verses that confirms it.
This generation believe so many false doctrines it is mind blowing, and all because of what? Men's interpretations.
Interpretations belong to God, woe to those who try to interpret the Word of God, as if they actually had the authority to do so. i use to be one of those who tried to interpret the Word of God to. Until God told me Interpretations do not belong to men, but He will reveal to whom He will reveal.
Anyone who tries to reveal a certain thing using the Hebrew/Greek most certainly has not been revealed to by God. If God told them a certain thing, they would not be saying "If you take this word or that word to the Hebrew it means _______" This interpretation is most certainly from a man's perspective and NOT something that God has revealed to them.
††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††