Just as Good allowed Satan to come against Satan, he may very well allow Satan to come against you. I would go as far as to say unless God allowed it can not happen to the Christian. If you notice something that Jesus said to Peter, Satan has asked to sift you, but I have prayed for you.
As far as God forcing a person to do something, I think Jonah and the whale are examples of how far God will go to have his do his will.
Paul on the road to Damascus is another example.
God will apply the appropriate level of pressure to get you to move if it's what is required.
We must understand that we are the property of God. All are his property, we have submitted to his rule and ownership, and thus as the servant who wishes to stay after 7 years and his ear is pierced, we do his bidding forever. If we fail he has the right, not only as soveriegn God, but by our own confession to chastize us as he sees fit. So don't think he can't or won't use force. It's his to do and justly so.
As far as God forcing a person to do something, I think Jonah and the whale are examples of how far God will go to have his do his will.
Paul on the road to Damascus is another example.
God will apply the appropriate level of pressure to get you to move if it's what is required.
We must understand that we are the property of God. All are his property, we have submitted to his rule and ownership, and thus as the servant who wishes to stay after 7 years and his ear is pierced, we do his bidding forever. If we fail he has the right, not only as soveriegn God, but by our own confession to chastize us as he sees fit. So don't think he can't or won't use force. It's his to do and justly so.
God doesn't seek slaves. He seeks adopted born again children who obey out of love and not fear.
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