What's so hard to understand about James telling us that if we keep the whole Ten Commandments but break one, we're guilty of all: that if we don't commit adultery, but kill, we become guilty of breaking the entire Ten? Then, he says we are to speak and act as people who know we have to stand in judgment for what we do.
This is not rocket science or even the new the science which teaches how a man can get pregnant. This is elementary stuff...and the day is coming when those who refused to let go of their sinful habits in preparation of that judgment will be as those who banged on the door of the Ark with all their might and voice to be let in, but were horrifically drowned with the rest of that rebellious generation.
This is not rocket science or even the new the science which teaches how a man can get pregnant. This is elementary stuff...and the day is coming when those who refused to let go of their sinful habits in preparation of that judgment will be as those who banged on the door of the Ark with all their might and voice to be let in, but were horrifically drowned with the rest of that rebellious generation.
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