Right. That's what I said about the "events surrounding 70ad"... except I see
verse 22 saying (instead), "For these are
the day
s of avenging,
to fulfill [G4130; infinitive; verb] all things having been written."
IOW, this isn't conveying that "this is the [total] FULFILLMENT [noun] of all things having been written [nothing further; full-stop]," but rather (
more like, conveying), "these things right here [re: 70ad events] must take place [
also] as part of the '
all things having been written' being indeed be fully fulfilled [not that these items named
here (the 70ad events) are the complete 'fulfillment [noun]' 'of all things having been written'... this is
part of 'all things having been written' which
also must take place [so that 'all things having been written' are indeed fulfilled]... not that this stuff right here [re: the 70ad events] is
everything in its entirety 'having been written' but is an important part of it--
it cannot be left out, in other words]"
In Luke 21:32's "This generation will not pass away
till all shall have taken place" must necessarily
include what v.24 had already just spelled out (which includes
two "
of-lengthy-duration" items: "
and they shall be led away captive into all the nations"... "
and Jerusalem shall be TRODDEN DOWN of the Gentiles [see Rev11:2] *
until* the TIMES OF [
not *fulness of*, used elsewhere]
the Gentiles be fulfilled"...
...where the phrase "the
TIMES of the Gentiles" (not referring to the so-called "Church age"... no) refers rather to "Gentile domination over Israel" which started in 606/605bc (think: Neb's "dream / statue / image" with Neb as "head of gold")... and which will not be *concluded* until Christ's Second Coming
to the earth Rev19 (where the "42 months" of Rev11:2 corresponds with the "42 months" of Rev13:[1,]5-7, which connects back with Daniel 7's "period of time" referred to in v.27, and where just before that, v.22 says, "...
and judgment was given to the saints of the most High..." which connects with Revelation 20:4a's "And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them,
and judgment was given to them:
and..." [going on to speak of
a distinct group, regarding the ones who will be "beheaded" during a very specific time-period in v.4b, whereas the ones in v.4a are not
those same persons--but both of these groups are now being seen by John in the same time-slot setting, and speaking of "thrones" and "reign with..."].
Part of how we know this (that it doesn't *conclude* until Christ's Second Coming
to the earth Rev19) is because, the LATER writing of "[The] Revelation" (
in 95ad, or thereabouts) says, in Rev17:8, "... when they behold the beast that WAS,
and IS NOT,
and YET SHALL BE [FUTURE tense]"--bearing in mind that "the beast" [Rev13:1,5-7--connecting back with Daniel 7:20-25,27, where v.20 is describing one "whose look is more stout than his fellows"] is
both a governmental-type entity [that 'was,
and is not,
and yet shall be' aspect] as well as an individual man (two aspects).
This *sequence* is also reflected in Matthew 22:
7 (
regarding the 70ad events) and Matthew 22:
8's "
THEN SAITH HE to his servants" which necessarily places the "
THEN SAITH HE to" part as coming
AFTER the 70ad events, and we see this in the
LATER "95ad" writing of "[The] Revelation of Jesus Christ WHICH GOD GAVE UNTO HIM [unto Jesus] TO SHEW UNTO His servants [see Rev7:3 "144,000 servants of our God"] things which must come to pass IN QUICKNESS [NOUN]"... and included in those particular "things" are the "SEALS" which are equivalent to "the beginning of birth pangs" which Luke 21:
12 had already provided the sequence regarding, when it said, "But *before* all these [
before all these 'beginning of birth pangs'
described in vv.8-11]..."
before all of those,
the "events of 70ad" spelled out in vv.12-24a,b [not c]
must transpire first.
This means that "the beginning of birth pangs" (aka the "seals")
come sequentially AFTER the events surrounding "70ad"... whereas many mistakenly believe they instead lead UP TO the 70ad events (as though "70ad" is the culmination of them). Not so.
I do not deny that vv.12-24a,b is indeed describing the events of "70ad"... I disagree (for reasons stated above) that this setting (of events) is "
the fulfillment [noun] of all that has been written"...
rather, that these "70ad events" described in vv.12-24a,b must
also take place
"to fulfill [verb, infinitive]" (
as one very important aspect of) "
all things having been written" (that is, if THESE 70ad events do not take place
also, then "all things having been written"
will be incomplete... and thus, not real "prophecies" / i.e. be untrue... which of course they are NOT untrue, but true indeed!

This, instead, [
as actually written] does not require that the "70ad events" be the complete fulfillment "of all things having been written"... but that these items
cannot be left out. This is the point being conveyed there.)
I apologize for the length of this post (and I endeavored to minimize the "emphasis" features, keeping it down as much as I felt could convey my intentions... and please know that I do not intend my "CAPS"-emphasis as "shouting" = ) )
Thank you for the conversation. = )