Yes, but we eventually sinned ourself. and as ther word says .
Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
I could not bring myself to life if I wanted. so not sure why this argument is used so often.
Jesus offered to bring me to life based on his death. He drew me, I responded. And says yes lord, I want what you are offering.(faith) Please apply it to my life. He tried to draw many others, and as happened in John 6, They did not respond, they said no lord, I do not want what your offering. I like things the way they have been. (unbelief)
Much like the tax collector. Lord have mercy on a sinner such as me. Jesus said he went home justified (forgiven of all sin) Not because he earned it, or saved himself, or tried to bring himself to life, By his cry we understand he understood he could not do that, otherwise, he would not have cried out to God.
Again, the penalty of sin is death, we are not made alive until we accept the gift, which is eternal life. God will not force it on us.
Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
I could not bring myself to life if I wanted. so not sure why this argument is used so often.
Jesus offered to bring me to life based on his death. He drew me, I responded. And says yes lord, I want what you are offering.(faith) Please apply it to my life. He tried to draw many others, and as happened in John 6, They did not respond, they said no lord, I do not want what your offering. I like things the way they have been. (unbelief)
Much like the tax collector. Lord have mercy on a sinner such as me. Jesus said he went home justified (forgiven of all sin) Not because he earned it, or saved himself, or tried to bring himself to life, By his cry we understand he understood he could not do that, otherwise, he would not have cried out to God.
Again, the penalty of sin is death, we are not made alive until we accept the gift, which is eternal life. God will not force it on us.
That is not the only point of disagreement, if that was all, there most likely would not be an issue, unless our pride would swell up and we have to get you to believe exactly like us
The issue is why those who will go to hell go according to fatalism as I call it, Thats a MAJOR issue,
The issue is why those who will go to hell go according to fatalism as I call it, Thats a MAJOR issue,
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