You first made this statement, "Brother, i am not saying what they believe is right." Stop right there. You then say, The only thing i am trying to point out to you is you are judging the entire religion based on what you believe to be True."
These two statements, do not contradict each other at all. The first is talking about they may very well be wrong. The second statement i made is how YOU are judging them. NO Contradictions at all, but only in your own thinking.
Yes, I am judging an entire religion
And who made you a judge? Did God tell you that you were a Judge. Or have you made yourself a Judge? i am seriously asking.
Yes, I am judging an entire religion based on what the Bible says is true by identifying how these particular group "DISTORT" the gospel message and "DISTORT" who is Jesus Christ.
This is what YOU think and believe, it is not what SCRIPTURES teaches. i have read the entire Bible over 85 times in my life, and not once did i read that the JW were evil, i have not read once that Mormons are going to Hell, nor have i read anywhere at all that if one professed to be a Catholic they deny Christ. You say that YOU JUDGE them based on what the Bible says, then reveal the Bible passages that show they are evil. Because as i have said before and even now say again, they have the Same Gospel that you do. Does all three believe in the Book of Matthew? Yes they do. Does all three believe in the Book of Mark? Yes they do. Does all three believe in the Book of Luke? Yes they do. Does all three believe in the Book of John? YES is the answer to that as well. So tell me, if all these Have the Gospel just like YOU do, How does the Bible tell you they do not believe the same Gospel as you do?
The plumb line in all of this is the Bible, period.
Which i keep telling you they have also, but you are not listening.
This is why the Apostle Paul said at Acts 17:11, "Now these were more nobleminded (why were they nobleminded) than those in Thessalonica, for (or because) the3y received the word with great eagerness EXAMINING THE SCRIPTURES DAILY, to see whether these things are true."
Are you suggesting the JW do not do that? Are you suggesting the Mormons do not do that? ARe you suggesting that Catholics do not do that? Seems in your mind they do not do that.
The Jw's come to your door with other booklets from their organization the Watchtower Society located in Brooklyn New York wanting the unsuspecting to fall for their gospel and their false Jesus Christ. The same holds true for the Mormons with their added materials. Now, you also said this: "The battle is not against JW, it is not against Catholics, it is not against Mormons. The battle is against false doctrines that create these things." Well who do you think creates this false doctrines?
Men and women that start a movement like Joseph Smity, Mary Baker Eddied, Charles Taze Russel and hundreds of others that started out by distorting Biblical teaching and why? What did the Apostle Paul say at Acts 20:30? "to draw away the disciples after them."
You are still aiming at the people, you are still targeting the people, instead of targeting him that makes those people do those things. As i said, your battle is NOT with people, or groups of people, it should be about the false doctrines that satan starts. OSAS is a false doctrine that Christians hold on to dearly, should i then judge the whole Christian group because they hold on to a false doctrine? NO, NO, NO. Just because the JW, the Mormons, and the Catholics all hold on to their false doctrines, does not give YOU the right to JUDGE them as a whole, to condemn them as a whole. The battle is not against JW, not against Mormons, not against Catholics, and not against Christians. We are commanded to LOVE ONE ANOTHER, we are to LOVE Everyone, regardless who they are or what group they belong to, or what false doctrines they believe in. The Battle is against evil that causes people everyone to turn away from the TRUTH of God.
You also said this: "There are over 120 different denominations in the protestant religion, why? Because of false doctrines. Baptist denomination was created because they believed you MUST be water baptized. Pentecostal denomination was created because of the Holy Ghost's gift of speaking in tongues." Your comparing apples and oranges because the Baptist have the right Jesus and so do the Pentecostals except for the oneness Pentecostals.
What you are not grasping is, it is ONLY in your mind they they serve a different Jesus than you do. The Jesus you serve dies for you right? The other 3 believes that their Jesus died for them too. The same Jesus you believe did miracle in Jerusalem. Well the other 3, their Jesus also did miracle in Jerusalem. The same Jesus you believe in had a mother called Mary, Their Jesus also had a mother called Mary. My point is, which you are not grasping, is they believe the exact same Jesus that you do. All they stuff the gospels say Jesus did, they believe that too. All the Words of Jesus that you believe, they also believe those exact same Words. Can't you see, it is ONLY in your own mind that you THINK they serve a different Jesus than you do, can't you see that?
Believeing you have to be water baptized in order to be saved will not send one to hell and neither if you don't speak in tongues. I'm talking about full blown "cults" and btw, where is your "discernment" where you can't tell the difference between fleece and fur?
What i know, is Jesus Christ would never say the things you did about other people, regardless what false doctrines they believe in. Jesus Christ Loves even the devil worshippers. You have put yourself on a pedestal above millions of people who do not believe as you do. May the Lord Jesus Christ Judge you in the exact same way you have judged them, and He will, unless you repent of judging those who profess that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior to be wicked. As you have condemned them for what they believe, you in a like manner will be condemned for what you believe. i have warned you, that you should LOVE them, not condemn them. Those who kill with the sword shall be killed by the sword.
Finally, I don't need you to lecture me on "loving" people who are ensnared in these cults.
So now, i am hearing from you, that you are above hearing that you should LOVE OTHERS, right?
So don't presume you know my heart
[speaking to everyone] You will know what is in a persons heart by the fruits they have for one another. Those who love one another, have Christ in their hearts. Those who don't LOVE ONE ANOTHER, Don't.
because what I say about them and how I feel about them are two different things.
What you say about them, IS how you feel about them.
In fact, if you don't warn others, i.e false teachers then God is going to hold you responsible. Please read Eziekiel 3:18,19.
Condemning them, is not warning them. Nothing in your posts, said "We should warn them, to help them see the errors of their ways" No, your post was cutting them down, as if they were dogs not worthy of the Jesus that you claim to serve.
††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††