You just gave me a completly "asinine" answer and it also tells me you don't love people in the cults for the sake of Jesus Christ. There is nothing "silly" about it unless your Biblically illiterate (which you are) because you can not defend a valid Biblical teaching as the trinity. And btw, this is "NOT" some little issue as you say. It happens to be the most written about theological/doctrinal teaching you will encounter with the cults and especially with unitarians. And the only noise I hear is a big blast of hot air from you, bloke!
I should have known you would be an antagonistic fellow by your use of the bully boy from Thimble Theater as a persona.
That being said I suppose I shall have to reply to your troll.
For this bit I will put what you said in quotes and reply.
You said:
"I responded to what you said and now you said, "I don't have a dog in this fight?" First of all no one is "fighting,""
Of course. You just take offense and go on offense. No fighting...yeah?
You continue:
"were discussing the issue which YOU brought up."
Actually I did not bring up Trinitarian belief as a measure of salvation... I did denounce it however as not being a salvation issue. This by the fact that I use scripture as a metric and not the writings of "church fathers"
You go on:
"I gave you my reasons by using the Bible"
Actually you invoked tertullian. And gave this verse:
Romans 8:9**But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
*10**And if Christ*be*in you, the body*is*dead because of sin; but the Spirit*is*life because of righteousness.
*11**But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you
As proof of the trinity. Do I even need comment?
You continue;
"And ask you a simple question which now your making up excuses when you said, "we have enough problems, division and judging."
I have made no excuse. I said that the most divisive bit of theory is not worth arguing over as the bible does not make it a large issue neither should we. And for 400+ years of original Christianity, believers seemed to agree.
You say:
" Who's judging, certaintly not me.*"
Really? Do you know what judging means? Your posts about this are redolent with judgement.
You go on:"I can see your not familar with the Apostle Peter's admontion at 1 Peter 3:15, "but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, ALWAYS BEING READY, to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an ACCOUNT for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence."
My hope has nothing to do with the Trinity or individual deity. It has to do with the Grace of our Father earned through the sacrifice of his only Begotten Son our Messiah. That is what the bible tell me. Your gentleness and reverence however is an inspiration.
You go on;" So if a jw or mormon ask you about the trinity, what are you going to tell them? " I am disengaging."*"
i will answer him as I already mentioned.
You then say:
"You just gave me a completly "asinine" answer and it also tells me you don't love people in the cults."
I gave you an informed an honest answer. I don't need to impress you. I love all people enough to not saddle them with something as divisive and unprovable as the trinity as law or as a measure of the saved,as you alluded to in one post. I even love the people in your cult. Whatever cult it is.
You then continue (one can only imagine flecks of spittle flying onto your screen as you scream.) "for the sake of Jesus Christ. There is nothing "silly" about it unless your Biblically illiterate (which you are)."
I actually have two doctorates in this book. One from one of the most prestigious seminaries in the world. I also have been studying and teaching the bible for around 40 years. Not to toot my own shophar.

my ordination many years ago was actually in the line of Peter so if I were to Join the RCC I would be eligible for Pope. Isn't that a hoot.
You go on:
" because you can not defend a valid Biblical teaching as the trinity."
It is not whether I can or not, but whether I will or not. And not all believers find it valid. Which was my original point. This issue has arguably cost more lives in Christian on Christian war than any other.
You continue:"And btw, this is "NOT" some little issue as you say. It happens to be the most written about theological/doctrinal teaching you will encounter with the cults and especially with unitarians."
Ok. And I would be as little impressed with their side as I am with yours. And say much the same to them as to you. If YHWH wanted us to care so very much there would be a chapter in Torah. If Messiah thought this such an important issue the apostles would have told us. A parable would be there. A paragraph in an epistle?
You finish with:
"And the only noise I hear is a big
blast of hot air from you, bloke!*"
Well done! I have never seen the word bloke used as an insult before.
I know you by your fruit. I forgive you and love you. And I apologize for not getting excited about your pet dogma and refusing to add to the scriptures or damn my brothers for it
Peace be with you.