Here's a little meat for you mac? The main issue in all of this is not the Trinity but rather, "Who is Jesus Christ?" This is based on what Jesus said to His disciples at Matthew 16:13-19, specfically what Peter said at vs16, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."
Now, the word Trinity was coined by Tertullian about 100 and some years later which obviously refers to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit who are identifed in the Bible as God. In other words, there are only three "Persons" in the Bible that are identified as God.
You should know that I do not believe the Trinity is a requirement for salvation. It is the "RESULT" of salvation, for you cannot know Jesus Christ and somehow miss the fact that He is God. You cannot have experienced the presense of the Holy Spirit of God and somehow miss that He is God. And of course we all know that God the Father is God. Please read Romans 8:9-11.
So my question for you mac, does the Bible clearly identify all three persons of the Trinity as God? I should also note that the word "trinity" is a word of convience because when it is used we know were talking about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There is anothe issue to deal with and that is when you ask people, "Who is Jesus Christ" they will say 99% of the time He is the Son of God. But what does it mean that He is the Son of God? Hope this helps and if you have questions I will be happy to answer them.