[What about a sustained attack on The Bible itself? A constant barrage of disinformation, falsehood and misuse of scripture to attack other Christians who read the Bible. The irrational claim that the Bible isn't the Bible? That it is full of lies. Is that not offensive?
It's certainly meant to be.
I appreciate you reposting the truth I present concerning the corruption in modern bible versions.
I would think that some of you, claiming offense, would present evidence that corruption doesn’t exist as I testify does indeed exist in modern versions.
All I get is whiny responses as if folks ought to accept modern heathen scholarship with nary a complaint. And claims of being great wits in Greek and Hebrew, but not a shred of competence in plain English.
Who really accepts an argument such as, that Christians ought to think all scripture is ridden with error, so accept the modern bibles as the best scholars can produce.
And the other silly illogical reasoning all based on unbelief of scripture bring valid. Like; believe the oldest, the most modern, the easy to read, the not quite in line with suppositions of scholars about originals no one possesses.
You telling me you don’t see the convenience of such flimsy arguments for turning readers away from the Authorized.
I learned long ago that atheists and other unbelieving folk only attack the true and authorized written word of God. No one really cares about all the phony modern bibles.