1. EG's defenition of perfection is Gods. Its called the law. And to add. Every command God ever gave, whether in the law or not. It is sinless perfection. If you have one sin, no matter how small that sin is, You have failed to meet Gods requirement. James said if we break the least of the law. We are found guilty of the whole law.
EG's definition is different than Peters definition Because EG says even one sin makes us guilty, no matter how seemingly small or insignificant that sin it, It makes God puke. And would separate us from Gods presence if not for Gods Grace. Where as Peter, in his belief, Must think some sin is ok, As long as we do not do these what he must deem as severe sins, We are ok.. And we must preach against sinners, Like EG and Grace777 and all others who hold to the grace of God..
2. A hypocrite is one who yells at sinners, when he Denies or softens his own sin, and rejects that his sin is just as black as everyone else's sin, and apart from God would permanently separate him from God. As long as he is trying to live righteous, Trying to do Gods will. Loving God. and doing these religious acts. His sin is ok. Unless he falls away.
once again, Peter loves to lie about others. We do not call people who love to walk and obey Gods commands legalistic, We would be calling ourselves legalistic, We call people who claim eternal life is based on obedience legalistic. Pharisees who judge sinners, while refusing to see their own sin.
3. He lies again Grace777, Grace's teaching are based on love, Anyone who reads his postings with an open mind understands this, so is not even worth discussing, out right bearing false witness against others..
4. He preaches he is purchased holy people. but he denies it, If we are purchased, then we belong to the one who purchased us, And that person would never let us go. no matter what. So, no, peter does not believe we are purchased, And his version of what is Holy is false, because it is weak and not perfect in Gods standard. But can sin and be ok.
EG thankyou for your contribution. I do not understand how you draw your conclusions, calling me a liar, slanderer, hypocrite, legalist, denier of my own sin, devaluing Gods word and His standards, my faith is false, and say I am saying sin is ok and claim righteousness.
This is a pretty total writing off of another believer. You have continually done this to me.
My points are simple. Walking in righteousness is possible through Christ. You obviously reject this, or else you would not respond as you do.
EG my one point to you is simple. I know what stirs my heart, how Jesus touched me, and how I have life in His Spirit.
I am concerned for who you are, because none of the things I share touch you, it is like talking to someone with a heart of stone. And it is there we must part, after months of presentation, you have your view and I mine. If what you wrote upset me or spoke to me I would tell you, but as it has no weight, I wonder what you are defending so strongly and why you need to create such a vicious destruction of another. Does it not worry you, how a simple issue about walking in righteousness, giving Glory to God ends up like you have described?
And one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory.
Isaiah 6:3
And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.
Rev 4:8
You say I am a hypocrite, a sinner, slanderer etc. yet I have no conviction on my conscience or before the Lord.
If you have no foundation as to your accusation, you are a false accuser, a worker of iniquity, a follower not of Christ.