Some believe that they themselves can bring in God's utopia, known as His Kingdom, while pushing aside the understanding Scripture gives us that only Christ can do such. This sort of sect from Christianity is nothing new, we see it in the Crusades, the Salem Witch Hunt's, even in the Inquisitions. It is seen in such sects that they are motivated more by hate than love, the Westboro Church and the KKK being examples.
As with any religion, there are many divisions, some to the left, while some to the right, while yet, both ends have their fanatics. But, do we conclude the whole religion wrong from such people who are driven to play the judge and, if need be, use force to implement their theological understanding? Logic dictates to me that if anything is judged by it extremes, then that which is its true self is also judged by one's own personal understanding without the reality of having been truly taken into consideration.
But, in reality, if one speaks only the good things which something has to offer, then when trouble comes, then that person is most likely to conclude that he was mislead. That is, if one is not told that their current path they are walking leads away from God, but are permitted to continue unabated, then would not half of the truth been spoken and the merit one is left with is betrayment. When all the while, simple mentioning the inflicting consequences of an action would had saved that one from that infliction.
Spiritually speaking, it is God who withholds the cookie, inasmuch as a parent withholds a cookie from a misbehaving child. It is also God who cultivates things in His children's minds, inasmuch as one is cultivated by those things which he surrounds himself with. It would be wrong of me not to mention that each culture believes they have transcendent understanding of the world and the people in it. That being so, it would seem logical to say that even Christians, based upon their understanding of the utterances of God, believe they have that sort of understanding. And if God be true, which He is, then it would also seem logical, at least to me and those who believe in God and His morals, that His written word gives that understanding which far surpasses worldly understanding.
You see what I am trying to say? We all believe we have the perfect understanding of things. But, in reality, only God comprehends.....