Since I have said no such thing, please listen up:
1. The apostles are limited to just the twelve (Paul included). Their names are in the twelve foundations of the wall of the New Jerusalem. Indisputable evidence.
2. There were no apostles after the twelve. Church history confirms this.
3. The signs, wonders and miracles were the gifts given to the apostles to authenticate the Gospel. See Hebrews 2 and other passages. They are called "the signs of an apostle" by Paul.
4. Once the apostles passed on, those spiritual gifts ceased (including that of apostles and prophets). Again check out Church history.
5. Paul prophesied that (a) prophecy, (b) tongues, and (c) knowledge (supernatural) would cease. Once the Bible was complete those gifts ceased. Again check out Church history. John warned in Revelation that nothing more was to be added.
6. If God said that some gifts would cease, why are Christians unwilling to accept that decision? Because they think they are wiser than God.
1. The apostles are limited to just the twelve (Paul included). Their names are in the twelve foundations of the wall of the New Jerusalem. Indisputable evidence.
2. There were no apostles after the twelve. Church history confirms this.
3. The signs, wonders and miracles were the gifts given to the apostles to authenticate the Gospel. See Hebrews 2 and other passages. They are called "the signs of an apostle" by Paul.
4. Once the apostles passed on, those spiritual gifts ceased (including that of apostles and prophets). Again check out Church history.
5. Paul prophesied that (a) prophecy, (b) tongues, and (c) knowledge (supernatural) would cease. Once the Bible was complete those gifts ceased. Again check out Church history. John warned in Revelation that nothing more was to be added.
6. If God said that some gifts would cease, why are Christians unwilling to accept that decision? Because they think they are wiser than God.
... then Barnabas and Sylvanus are called apostles. But then Paul named apostles alongside prophets and evangelists, pastors and teachers as being the five fold pattern for church ministry.
Paul was apostle if not the greatest then at least the most important one for us gentiles ... but he was not a founding apostle for he was not an eyewitness.
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