This is about a transformation of mind. All health experts tell you that doughnut bad, broccoli good, but broccoli takes time to cook, while doughnut gives instant gratification, the temptation is hard to resist, if you just eat broccoli for the sake of keeping the rule, sooner or later you're gonna backslide to doughnuts for indulgence. The attitude must change from abhoring broccoli and craving for doughnuts to abhoring doughnuts and craving for broccoli, and that's the work of the Holy Spirit.
PUZZLE: i love broccoli, always have, and i love donuts with my coffee, but i am in a dilemma since no one makes a good donut anymore therefore for the past 20 years i switched(repented) over to Blueberry muffins and now i have JOE, Fruit and Bread.
i only use Spring water to make my coffee
"But whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up to eternal life.”