Jesus had to keep the 10 commandments, but not only the ten but all 600+ commandments, or else sin would have been found in Him.
The New covenant did not start until the moment it was witnessed that Jesus was alive from the dead, resurrected from the Dead, it was only at that moment did the New Covenant start, it was only at that moment, that the 12 scared men that hid from the authorities for fear of the same fate that Jesus went through, that they became SAVED, Truly believed He was the Son of the living God, by returning from the grave alive.
Jesus while He lived was NOT under the new covenant that would begin when He rose from the dead. Jesus while He walked the Earth was under the old covenant, the 10 commandments, the Torah. If He did not live by all those commandments, then sin would have been found in Him, and He would not have been a perfect, without spot, sacrifice for our sins. It was only after He rose from the dead, That EVERYTHING changed, including the LAW.
Jesus saying "A NEW commandment i give unto you, LOVE ONE ANOTHER" He made All other commandments OLD. None of the 10 commandments commands us to LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
Old Covenant = Keep the 10 commandments. Told to the Israelites who were under the old covenant.
New Covenant = LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Told to Christians under the new covenant.
Woe to those who try to teach Christians who are under a new covenant to obey that which was the old covenant, they know not the Truth.
^i^ Responding to post #115