Hi. I was praying tonight and you came to mind along with a true story from my past that I will share now.:
I once went to a chat room when I was feeling quite down. A pastor from another country ministered to my need before any conversation was joined between the two of us. We soon began conversation and gained mutual respect. However, we began to differ on two topics. First, whether I should move to that country to help with the ministry (I declined until/unless God specifically led me to do so).
The second , which was much greater and eventually quite a heated dispute, was over whether or not he needed a motorcycle(and other specific items) to be able to minister to more distant villages. I told him that all he really needed was Jesus, and being more specific, he needed to spend additional time in prayer/fasting/reading and that if he did so, drawing close to Jesus, getting more of Jesus, etc, God would provide for all his needs.
He kept arguing that I needed to more recognize his needs (and send him money). I kept arguing that I’m not his savior and he needed to more recognize his real savior & provider (Jesus).
This continued until I was thoroughly fed up. And having endured about as much as I cared to put up with, I concluded by telling him that I would indeed pray about his situation and that I would ask God to move one way or another (either to give him what he said he needed, or to shut him up) and that he’d better be ready because I expected God to move quickly...because I was torqued and was going to pray earnestly. Which thing I did.
A few days later, I was awakened from a nap by an email bleep from my new bank saying I’d been auto-entered into a drawing and had won $1,000 that would be dropped into my account if I simply replied saying “I accept”. I questioned the validity but read the details and replied “I accept. Thank you” and finished my nap. Once awake I checked my account and, as promised, the money was there.
Although surprised and pleased, I had no need or desire for the money and could think of nothing I wanted to apply it to. (How often does THAT happen?) So I began to pray about it, and guess who came to mind.

So, once assured I was to pass it on, and after contacting the U.S. church that ordained my foreign friend, I donated it to their organization to be earmarked for his ministry.
So why would I tell you all of this in relation to this healing stuff?...Because of the question I had about how/why it happened this way...and God’s answer concerning it.
What was troubling me was “
God, Why did you give the money to me instead of him when I was asking you to give to HIM if he really needed it?”
His answer (if you can receive it) was effectively “Because of his words. Pay attention to his words. His words were speaking lack and need into his that’s what I could give
him. Your words were about my faithfulness and ability to that’s what I could give
you.” Then I understood that he was using me as a work-around in order to give the man what he needed but didn’t know how to effectively pray & receive.
BTW, please remember that several details were included…
- Neither his nor my eternal salvation was ever in question.
- Neither his nor my eternal salvation had any bearing on the outcome.
- He was correct in saying he had need.
- I was correct in saying God was quite able to provide through prayer.
- Although God was both willing and able, the man had an obstacle preventing God from answering him directly.
I’d like to say much more but will conclude with “God really does stand at the door and knock until someone figures out how to open the door”.
Love in Jesus,