I can tell you that I was raised in church, made a profession of faith at an early age, in childhood, (but I don't think I was converted because of ensuing events), began using drugs in early teens, mocked Christianity in mid teens, fascination and dabbling in occult, late teens, full blown hater of God, early twenties, blasphemer, early twenties, heavy drugs, started hearing and seeing things that weren't there, thought Satan wanted to enter my body, was terrified of being alone or walking into a dark room...
One night in a terror called out to God to help me. Holy Spirit shone a bright light, filled with sorrow over my sin, called on Jesus' name, and all that garbage fell of of me instantly. No more drugs, no more hate, no more blasphemy, no more fear. Total and radical change.
Whole thing happened almost instantly. Since then I have had struggles and have not always been the man I am called to be, but God has kept me, and I know if He didn't, I would have fallen away long ago
WOW! PRAISE God for answered prayer!!
My testimony is strikingly similar to yers! Save, for
"the EVENT!" Is what I call it.
Although, It wasn't until I had answered "
the call", ("Are ya
ready yet?"), some 2 er 3 years previous. To which, I had refused it, the previous 2 er 3 times, I had heard it over the previous 15 years er so.
And, it wasn't my asking, or calling out for Jesus. And, it
wasn't expected! I had just "walked away" from doing crack cocaine! (come to find out later?
something that people simply
don't do!). Went through some pretty ungodly visions, as satan, was pissed, during my withdrawals of it.
(fast forwards several weeks)
And, I was just sitting in the house, watching TV, minding my own business. And,
WHAM!! This "feeling of love", just started coming over me! Which at first, was pretty cool! But, it didn't stop! It just kept coming and growing in intensity, until I started getting sacred! And, it
still didn't stop! That feeling of crying, and puking, and creamin' my jeans, and shittin' my drawers! Like a
dead man, I was! And, I was
with, or IN this "presence of love", as I looked at my body
MELTED all over the floor like a thick oil! With nothing but my heart, sticking out beating! And, this
voice says to me? "
Hey!" "How ya doin'?" "Just coming to "check up" on ya!" I asked it to stop, as it was becoming unbearable in "controlling the dignity" of my flesh!

I could feel it kinda grin and smile, while telling me:
"This is just a "sliver of fingernail" of my Glory!" "I know how much you can take!" "And, yes!" "Any MORE?" "And, it would KILL you!"
He also told me?
"Get USED to it!" "Cuz, I ain't goin' NOWHERES!" "And, I'm going to "grow" in you MORE!" "In porportion, to your gaining knowledge, and training, and disciplines!" "Cuz, "young man?" "You have been awarded, "Acts ATTRIBUTABLE towards righteousness!" "Now, let's get you educated correctly, so's that you can start to "UN-Grieveing" MY Holy spirit!" (which is giving me cause in wondering if
THIS, is what's seen, by others, as "works for Salvation!" These efforts in
This whole "event", lasted some 20 minutes er so, as far as I can remember.
Needless to say, I was like a "cat trying to cover up shit, on a marble floor", in my searchings! I even enrolled in "home study" courses, from Moody Bible Institute. $500.00 worth! Which was pretty costly to this "poor truck driving out of the quarry rock hauler!"
I had mailed in my first lesson. It was like diagramming a sentence. Only it was the whole book of Jonah! Got it back with a B-, which I thought was not too shabby! And, started into the 2nd lesson? When that same
voice asked me,
"You want "them", to teach you?" "Or, you want ME to teach you?" The BEST 500 bucks I ever threw away! 
He led me to watch the Shepherds Chapel, and purchase the Companion Bible, also referred to as "Bullinger's Bible", and Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible.
My life has been
never the same since!
So, yeah man!
PRAISE God! For answering prayer!
Praise God, in answering those, who aren't even looking for answers!
I had actually thought, I had "walked away" from crack, on my own!
Come to find out? I was MIS-informed!