Hello Frenchesa , could you please explain what psychic surgury is and swedish massage , and hopi candling, thankyou. Do you do the one where you dig into the flesh to perform surgury with only your bare finger/hands? That would be cool.
Please mods if I say anything wrong let me know and I'll change it.
right the psychic surgery is in the spiritual sense, you do the healing in a way which sounds crazy but I'll do my best lol.
Swedish massage is just a term they use for doing most massages you get at places in health spa's in the UK, not sure what you call them in the states but it's just a normal body massage
Hopi Candling is a hollow tube made of bees wax and linen made to look in the shape of a candle, not the thick ones you can buy in most shops but it's about 12 inches long and about half a centimetre wide. You put it in the ear and light it and it burns till you get to the bottom of the candle and it works like a chimney effect where the heat is drawn down into the ear and it draws up the ear wax and it's suppose to help it, the only problem with this is this type of therapy started by the native american indians as it was a shamanic ritual, if anyone knows about the spiritual side of shamanism it's a bit on the pagan side in some respects, so if your a christian don't touch this as it goes against your faith and I really hope you listen as this is how I trained in it and I can prove the history of how it's used so please christians listen stay away from it.
With psychic surgery, some people use the hands to get into the body but you can also use spiritual eyes to see inside. some use the body in the form of a xray machine and can use this to treat and also heal the various ills a body can have.
As I've said before if your a christian, stay away from this OK.
You also have to open up your psychic side to see this, so your messing with stuff you don't really understand so get proper advice if your tempted cos you'll end up worse than before, I don't mean to scare you but would you rather have the truth or someone who's going to sugar coat it. I hope I'm not offending anyone but I want to be honest in here and you deserve the truth.
Just keep away from what you don't understand and get help if you've had this.