There is something terribly wrong in a person's perception of Holy, Almighty God, the Creator, Jesus Christ, that cannot see their own utter depravity and uncleanness, our total inability to stand in His presence by any means our own. What spirit is behind this, I don't know, but I do know it's not the Holy Spirit's leading. It is not truth.
When you realize our Lord, you also realize your place, gain a profound respect for the cross and all the work of our Lord Jesus we can take zero credit for, ever. There is just something very wrong with anybody having a scintilla of pride of life as to their spiritual merits, the whole gospel diametrically opposed to any such attitude and hubris.
It does make sense, for somebody who's subtly trying to imply others lack salvation for their imperfection, would make sense of somebody trying to raise doubt.
When you realize our Lord, you also realize your place, gain a profound respect for the cross and all the work of our Lord Jesus we can take zero credit for, ever. There is just something very wrong with anybody having a scintilla of pride of life as to their spiritual merits, the whole gospel diametrically opposed to any such attitude and hubris.
It does make sense, for somebody who's subtly trying to imply others lack salvation for their imperfection, would make sense of somebody trying to raise doubt.