What was on a Roman Denarii? The Face of Caesar. Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's. Whose face in on the Dollar Bill? I don't see any Caesars. Do you? Being subject to the laws of the land and keeping order is Good...unless those laws go against God's Will and Plan. In Rome, if you were going to Court, you may have to make some sort of statement, prayer, or show of fealty to the "God Emperor of Rome" who is a man. Christians refused. Christians were persecuted.
The wages of sin are death. God's Spirit is perfect and pure. If you ask him into your heart, and then go on sinning, God may turn his Spirit way down like he has a knob to the volume on his radio dial. The Spirit of God is like Pure Thumos. (1 Samuel 11:6-8) The wages of sin are spiritual death, and blindness to God.
Thumos and Why Passion Must Be a Driving Force of Your Life | The Art of Manliness
Jesus came to baptize by Fire and bring the sword. The Lord is a Man of War.
Early Christians were afraid that later people would lose the true Character of God. Which Christ do you serve? The Christ of the Bible or the post modern mush god? There is nothing new age about anything I have written. It is God's Logic and Reason. Notice in Ezekiel he describes angels with four faces. God is a square.
God is man of war.
God is Love.
The Truth is up the middle.
God's Character can be viewed as similar to the main character in the movie Gladiator. Where he is a man of honor who does what he has to, and fights for what he loves, but at the end of the day, he would rather be at home tending his vineyard with his children...if it were not for those Evil Farmers.
If something I wrote confuses you, then ask to see my fruit or clarify. Don't just assume I am not of God's Spirit because what I write is foreign to you. There had to be a falling away.