It seems "belief" is attacked because it is viewed as a weak point, but the result of right belief is being born again.
Only a fool would argue that one can be unborn. It is truly a position that the gates of hell cannot prevail against.
It seems "belief" is attacked because it is viewed as a weak point, but the result of right belief is being born again.
Only a fool would argue that one can be unborn. It is truly a position that the gates of hell cannot prevail against.
Some things cannot come from a change of mind after things have been put into being as an established truth.
Can someone by an "act of their will" or "changing their mind" un-born themselves from being a human being?
Can they one day say "I don't want to be a human anymore so I as an act of my will by changing my mind - I am un-borning myself" ( we would think there is something wrong with this person's mind and there is..
Can some one by "an act of their will" through the "changing of their mind" stop being a son/daughter to their father?
Of course not - they will always be the child of their parents once they are born whether they go crazy in their thinking or not.
We can no more by "an act of our will" un-born ourselves from God which Peter says we are born again of incorruptible seed which lives and abides forever.
We cannot "un-child" ourselves from being God's child because of Jesus Christ's finished work on the cross and resurrection.
( we can however become sick in our minds as the person that wants to "un-born" themselves as a human or as a child of their parent but the real us - the inner man of the heart that is in Christ - that inner man has his will entwined with God's perfect will because of union with Christ )
This is one of the reasons we need to "renew our mind" to align up with the spiritual truths that are in our new spirit in Christ.
Following God's commandments to us will be a natural result of being in Christ as we grow up in Him.
We are looking at what "we do" when we say that we lose salvation for going to heaven instead of what "Jesus has already done". It is a works-based doctrine that actually denies the work and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would be with you and in you forever. Now, is Jesus a liar? That's a question to ask ourselves.
Our Father will perfect that which concerns us for it is He that is at work in us both to will and to do His good pleasure. I'll trust His love in us to "guide us" through life. Phil. 2:13
There is also discipline of the Lord ( child-training in Greek - not "un-childing" them as children ) This proves that we are legitimate children of God.
Philippians 1:6 (NASB)
[SUP]6 [/SUP] For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
Some things cannot come from a change of mind after things have been put into being as an established truth.
Can someone by an "act of their will" or "changing their mind" un-born themselves from being a human being?
Can they one day say "I don't want to be a human anymore so I as an act of my will by changing my mind - I am un-borning myself" ( we would think there is something wrong with this person's mind and there is..
Can some one by "an act of their will" through the "changing of their mind" stop being a son/daughter to their father?
Of course not - they will always be the child of their parents once they are born whether they go crazy in their thinking or not.
We can no more by "an act of our will" un-born ourselves from God which Peter says we are born again of incorruptible seed which lives and abides forever.
We cannot "un-child" ourselves from being God's child because of Jesus Christ's finished work on the cross and resurrection.
( we can however become sick in our minds as the person that wants to "un-born" themselves as a human or as a child of their parent but the real us - the inner man of the heart that is in Christ - that inner man has his will entwined with God's perfect will because of union with Christ )
This is one of the reasons we need to "renew our mind" to align up with the spiritual truths that are in our new spirit in Christ.
Following God's commandments to us will be a natural result of being in Christ as we grow up in Him.
We are looking at what "we do" when we say that we lose salvation for going to heaven instead of what "Jesus has already done". It is a works-based doctrine that actually denies the work and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would be with you and in you forever. Now, is Jesus a liar? That's a question to ask ourselves.
Our Father will perfect that which concerns us for it is He that is at work in us both to will and to do His good pleasure. I'll trust His love in us to "guide us" through life. Phil. 2:13
There is also discipline of the Lord ( child-training in Greek - not "un-childing" them as children ) This proves that we are legitimate children of God.
Philippians 1:6 (NASB)
[SUP]6 [/SUP] For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.