the crowns, the ruling with Him is the reward of living our life before the world, and ministering reconciliation to the lost.
I think it was Meggido who was speaking about this. We are on a mission to pull others out of the darkness into the light.
Many stars given in a crown to the one who speaks salvation.
My husband has this gifting. His crown will have many stars. We all are given gifts. The rewards are for working the gifts of Holy Spirit.
But, eternal life is always from the work of Jesus. Only He could save us from the kingdom of darkness, for He is God, and we are not.
This is a subject which really does not interest me.
If there are crowns or stones, so be it. I'm good with that, like I had said.
I understand my reward, or gift, to be eternity with God and the ability to spend time with Jesus. Just the thought brings me peace.
I don't think we can speak so solidly about the afterlife. Paul said he saw things that could not be described or spoken about or understood. That's how he explained it. John gave bits and pcs of it,,, how could we know for sure??
I ike to stand and discuss only things that are on solid ground.
I DO want to disagree about one thing you've said:
You say that our mission is to save those that are in darkness.
OK. I agree. I've been witnessing for 40 years and could not agree more.
Our very love for Jesus makes us WANT to witness for His Kingdom.
However, His MAIN THEME in all His preaching, was not about salvation, but about how to enter into the Kingdom of God and how to remain there or suffer the consequences at our time of Death.
Now, I know you're not going to really go through the gosples and do what I asked you, although it would really be a great concept to learn.
IF you would believe me, I'd tell you the answer.
I'm just a little tired of throwing out answers and then being attacked for speaking the truth.
But, yes, our main mission, is to be members of the Kingdom..
Get Others to be members.
Salvation is phase one.
The Kingdom is phase two.