No, you haven't, and you're not even admitting it now.
Here's the thing: When you fabricate things that people say, believe, teach, that's called bearing false witness, and this is what you do on here.
You also imply others are lost, but of course, not you.
You claim others live in sin willfully, and want to be covered with "Jesus Spray" (the imputed righteousness of Christ you blaspheme in those exact words) so they can live in sin and have an excuse to live in sin.
All of these are sinful things that you've committed here against other brothers and sisters. You've been called on it numerous times and continue to do so, emboldened because you've not paid any wages for it as of yet.
p4t Let me think of the sins I know about - stealing, lying, dishonouring my parents, adulterous thoughts,
covertousness, pride, selfish ambition, breaking commitments, inappropriate rage, laziness, irresponsibility.
I have done these things and more. That is confessing sin. I have no intention of doing this in the future,
but only by grace will this be possible.
Bearing false witness is a joke. I try to be exact, to retell the confessed positions people hold.
I am then told I am lying when I repeat what they are saying. It happens so many times by the
same characters, it just shows me their delusion.
I even was told someone had not typed what they had typed and even quoted it.
That is literal insanity, but it shows you how far this circus will go.
It must mean too much for some, because their faith is not in Christ but the group they
come from. Beware this is dangerous territory, it will change you, for good or ill, you
choose. Walk with Christ, for good, deny His word, ill. God bless you.