Hi Dave...Paul said in Philippians 3:14
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus...
This point as I have just read he is at a mature time in his race towards heaven, to think like this he must of been fully mature...I have such a long way to go 
, but I do know perseverance is a must, we can become stagnant, nothing runs from stagnant water, it becomes cloudy, then everything in it becomes dead, nothing can live on a dead pond...Ii was looking at a Scripture yesterday in Revelations, can not remember where it was, but it said something about the works that we have done jesus will take them into account, I wish I wrote it down now because it caught my eye

, so I do know for sure that our works are important, but I know they have nothing to do with me being saved , I am saved by Gods grace alone through faith but yes they are to follow...xox...
No amount of works can Save a person. Salvation is free gift given to anyone and everyone that will receive it, it is the Grace of God that a person gets Saved.
There is a difference between Getting Saved and Being Saved. Getting Saved is the moment your name is written in the Book of Life. That moment was a singular moment in time, a specific moment, a specific time. That is GETTING SAVED. NO Works needed, no works required, you accept Him as you are, and you in no way deserve His Salvation, it is freely given to a person at a specific TIME, when their name is written in the Book of LIFE. OK, now lets move past that time, and talk about BEING SAVED.
It seems anytime i teach about BEING SAVED, people inevitably bring up conditions of Getting Saved, ie not works needed. However once a person is SAVED, works are needed. They are evidence of a person who is TRULY SAVED. There are many people who claim to be SAVED, yet they do not have any good works at all, they do not have the evidence that LOVE lives inside of them. These are they that i teach to.
Getting Saved = Faith ONLY, NO Works at all, NONE. Grace of God, Free Gift, Given to whoever will receive it.
Being Saved = Faith With Works, they go hand in hand. Anyone who Truly has Jesus living in them are going to be full of Good Works, because LOVE lives inside of them.
Those who i teach against are they that claim with their mouths that they are Saved, yet they have no works at all, these are devoid of good works, but claim that Jesus lives in them, these are they that believe FAITH ONLY is enough, not only for getting Saved, but being Saved as well, they do error and Scriptures teaches also they are in error. Faith ONLY for a person Being SAVED is dead.
How many accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord one day, and the next they are back into their old lives living in sins? What then? Every single person who ever walks up the alter and GETS SAVED, Accepts the free Gift of Salvation, Are at that moment forgiven by Jesus for all their past sins, REMAIN SAVED forever, no matter how many times they deny Christ? NO matter how much they live in sin? This is a false doctrine that is widely help on to during these last days. Accept Jesus as your Savior and Lord and it doesn't matter what you do thereafter you are still Saved, hogwash, lies from satan.
Good Works can't nor ever will SAVE YOU. However once you are Saved, you will be full of Good Works. Woe to those who claim to be Saved, and have no good works at all.
††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††