You have defined the unbeliever in a variety of ways in this thread..... and if I can find the patience to do so, I will go back and post them for you.
You can blame, Free Grace, you can blame Calvinism, you can blame Hyper Grace, Reformed, OSAS....and so forth...
but really your problem is ultimately with the Gospel of Christ Jesus, the Saviour, crucified and risen and His all encompassing
eternal work and His promises to His children, because you find it difficult to accept that the gift of eternal life is eternal, and
so instead you redefine it as temporal state of being (earthly moment by earthly moment ) which it is not.
You have defined the unbeliever in a variety of ways in this thread..... and if I can find the patience to do so, I will go back and post them for you.
You can blame, Free Grace, you can blame Calvinism, you can blame Hyper Grace, Reformed, OSAS....and so forth...
but really your problem is ultimately with the Gospel of Christ Jesus, the Saviour, crucified and risen and His all encompassing
eternal work and His promises to His children, because you find it difficult to accept that the gift of eternal life is eternal, and
so instead you redefine it as temporal state of being (earthly moment by earthly moment ) which it is not.
Uh, no........you can sift through the abundance of my posts and see that I have not changed my beliefs in this thread.
BINGO! That's what I've been saying. If a person is believing, they are by definition NOT REJECTING THE BLOOD OF CHRIST.
I agree completely that it is those who DO NOT BELIEVE that reject the blood of Christ. And them living in sin is the sign of that unbelief. But all is well because Freegrace doctrine is close at hand to tickle the ears of the person living in sin and unbelief telling them they remain saved despite their unbelief and resultant slide into a life of sin.
The second type of soil believer in the Parable of the Sower begs to differ with you. Jesus said he believes for a while but then falls away when trouble comes his way. And nowadays, Freegrace doctrine is there to catch him and assure him that he is still saved despite his falling away into sin and unbelief.
Jesus shows us that it is the 2nd type of soil believer who can become an unbeliever. That is a danger to the new, weak, and not deeply rooted believer. Only people of the fourth type of soil (you know, the kind that gets beat up around here for being holier than thou) have roots that go down deep enough to keep them from falling away and firmly planted in Christ.
BINGO! That's what I've been saying. If a person is believing, they are by definition NOT REJECTING THE BLOOD OF CHRIST.
I agree completely that it is those who DO NOT BELIEVE that reject the blood of Christ. And them living in sin is the sign of that unbelief. But all is well because Freegrace doctrine is close at hand to tickle the ears of the person living in sin and unbelief telling them they remain saved despite their unbelief and resultant slide into a life of sin.
The second type of soil believer in the Parable of the Sower begs to differ with you. Jesus said he believes for a while but then falls away when trouble comes his way. And nowadays, Freegrace doctrine is there to catch him and assure him that he is still saved despite his falling away into sin and unbelief.
Jesus shows us that it is the 2nd type of soil believer who can become an unbeliever. That is a danger to the new, weak, and not deeply rooted believer. Only people of the fourth type of soil (you know, the kind that gets beat up around here for being holier than thou) have roots that go down deep enough to keep them from falling away and firmly planted in Christ.
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