I hope you are faithful to meeting together, you see the Spiritual Gifts are NOT FOR SELF EDIFICATION, they are to edify OTHERS. And no, I am not a Charismatic, I do not believe their slant on the gifts. God will take care of our needs as long as we are faithful to edifying others. I just attend Indian Hills Community Church, and I never Joined, but I am faithful, and I attend a Bible Study at one of the Church Members home too.
1 Corinthians 10:23-24 (ASV)
All things are lawful; but not all things are expedient. All things are lawful; but not all things edify. Let no man seek his own, but each his neighbor's good.
That word good is not in the original language, and it just confuses the translation. The last thing HE was talking about in the previous sentence even, was EDIFICATION. If anyone would thinks there needs to be a clarification there, it should be edification.
I have one more topic I want you encourage you with. The word Church, is not in the Bible anywhere. When Jesus said "I will built my", HE did not say CHURCH. He actually said "ASSEMBLY". Look that up. So did the Apostles, however, I do not know when the added meaning of Church came about, but I assume they thought it was okay because the local Christians were calling themselves the Church. I think they did us a great disservice. With that definition, look at the following verses:
John 10:16 (NASB)
16 "I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will hear My voice; and they will become one flock with one shepherd.
I am convinced, though many will argue with me, the Sheep HE is talking to, are the last of the OLD TESTAMENT ASSEMBLY.
And I am equally convinced that the other sheep not of this Fold, is our NEW TESTAMENT ASSEMBLY.
Which become ONE FLOCK at the Calling Out of the BRIDE.
Would that NOT make Both groups of Saints co-equally the BRIDE OF CHRIST?
Think about it. That is why I think they did us a great disservice by changing the Word from ASSEMBLY to Church.
I need to get back on topic again.
1 Corinthians 10:23-24 (ASV)
All things are lawful; but not all things are expedient. All things are lawful; but not all things edify. Let no man seek his own, but each his neighbor's good.
That word good is not in the original language, and it just confuses the translation. The last thing HE was talking about in the previous sentence even, was EDIFICATION. If anyone would thinks there needs to be a clarification there, it should be edification.
I have one more topic I want you encourage you with. The word Church, is not in the Bible anywhere. When Jesus said "I will built my", HE did not say CHURCH. He actually said "ASSEMBLY". Look that up. So did the Apostles, however, I do not know when the added meaning of Church came about, but I assume they thought it was okay because the local Christians were calling themselves the Church. I think they did us a great disservice. With that definition, look at the following verses:
John 10:16 (NASB)
16 "I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will hear My voice; and they will become one flock with one shepherd.
I am convinced, though many will argue with me, the Sheep HE is talking to, are the last of the OLD TESTAMENT ASSEMBLY.
And I am equally convinced that the other sheep not of this Fold, is our NEW TESTAMENT ASSEMBLY.
Which become ONE FLOCK at the Calling Out of the BRIDE.
Would that NOT make Both groups of Saints co-equally the BRIDE OF CHRIST?
Think about it. That is why I think they did us a great disservice by changing the Word from ASSEMBLY to Church.
I need to get back on topic again.
I know about the word "church" it comes from the romans godess circe who turns men into pigs and devours them... kind of fitting for some of the places I have seen, Yeah the real assembly is the ecclesia/kahal, this is the asssembly of Yah, so I agree with the wording, even tho seeming minor has impact on perception. The catholic church actually persecuted that guy who only used "church" when talking about pagan assemblies and used ecclesia to speak of Yah's assembly, the body of Messiah... Finally I dont see a new and old assembly, I see ONE flock, and those from Adam, to Yahshua and from Yahshua to the last day saints are all going to the same place ans will sing the same song of Moses and song of the Lamb in the Kingdom...
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