Fran, like normal you misdirect instead of dealing with the post I Jesus finishes and completes the work of faith he begins....yours does not or cannot....which is it?
"How do YOU represent Jesus?
By saying that we're saved no matter what "after walking down some isle?"
Hi decon, Dr. Luke the author of "The Gospel of Luke", was the companion of the Apostle Paul on his missionary journey for his 2nd trial before Caesar Augustus; There are references in the book of Acts to Luke being there as Paul's companion and to record all of the events that happened in the book of Acts while on Paul's journey to Rome; but Dr. Luke's "name" is never mentioned. Why is Dr. Luke's name not mentioned?
Biblical scholars believe it was Dr. Luke's humble attitude before his Savior Jesus Christ that prevented Luke from being in the lime light for his noble contribution to the "Book of Acts."
And then along comes weak in the faith people like God'sGrace101 that say Christians who say; quote, "we are saved no matter what after walking down some isle", what Christian on God's green earth is ever gonna say that? It's a shame and a disgrace to the "Power of God" to think that God cannot complete His work of salvation in our life. What God began in our life He will bring to completion and glorification.
We are saved by grace, "Not By Works."
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