You are much like a diamond...
you shine brightly when in the light... (but your head is close to impenetrable)
lol there is my sickly medicated jab to a calvinist... ask and ye shall recieve
Appropriated your "boom" above to a correct description.
Yep, I'm relentless for the truth. Reformed and relentless, Jude 1:4.
Still waiting, and will for eternity wait for any anti-Calvinist to use any contextual exegesis to prove their teachings against such as true.
The fact is they cannot contextually and/or exegetically do so.
No, they cannot do so.
There are many books written to give attempt, yet every single Scripture given is taken completely out of context. That is a fact. This is just one fact that has helped me understand the Gospel and the importance of proper interpretation.
The choose yourself into heaven doctrine via free will (while said decisional regeneration is clearly refuted by Scripture) is a new comer doctrine that's been around for about 150 years plus or minus. The Scriptures that refute this decisional salvation are completely rejected as the opponents merely pit another passage, out of context, against them as if it neutralizes the truth. It's actually sad to watch.
The misinterpretations and misapplications of "all" in Scripture via this decisional regeneration doctrine have led to antinomianism, Universalism, FGT, denial and even ridicule of the evidence of conversion, believe-ism, easy-believism, sinners prayer salvation, "ask Jesus in your heart," ridicule of self-examination, presumptive deception, listen here:
false assurance, and such a severe hatred for works that any type of works are mocked as a works gospel.
This sort of teaching has also denied Sovereign electing grace as these falsely believe God chose them only because he saw they would choose them, turning the gift of eternal life into a reward. Those who believe and embrace the fact God has elected unconditionally those whom he willed to save are mocked as being "special" because they believe he chooses based on
nothing good in man and
only according to his purpose, Romans 9:11ff, Ephesians 1:4ff.
Hmmm. Think that over.
They were chosen because God saw them do something good (and/or because out of their own sincere love for God they came to him

) yet we're special? That's just absurd and anyone promoting that idea doesn't have much sense. Lastly it has embraced the Romans 9:20 man.