But that does not go along with what Paul also wrote in Romans 5:12-19 my friend, especially verse 12. Then he also wrote in Romans 3:23 all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God...which includes babies. Yes, babies. Adam was the federal head of his posterity and when he fell, everyone of us fell, including babies. His guilt was transferred to all mankind. That is why babies die in infancy, and even the womb. His sin was imputed to us. He even wrote to the church at Corinth "For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive"(1 Cor. 15:22). Romans 5:12-19, 1 Corinthians 15:22, and 2 Corinthians 5:21 all speak to Jesus being the Federal Head of His people, the elect of God. Everything He did, He did for them. He lived the sinless life and kept the Law perfectly(which was imputed to us when we were saved), took the sins of the elect upon Himself and bore them upon a cross to atone(which is limited to His elect, the believers), and rose again the third day for their justification. Romans 4:25 says He rose for our justification. If His death, burial and resurrection was for all mankind, then all mankind will be saved, because His resurrection secured their justification. Thank you for your civility my friend.
I am with you in that I don't believe children are sinless. However I also don't believe their sin is imputed to them spiritually. Yes, they physically die because of the imputed sin of Adam. But Paul makes the very point that he WAS alive spiritually BEFORE the commandment of the Law came. THAT right there tells us there is in fact an age of accountability.
God did not become a Nephillim in the form of Jesus. He came as a human being. Scripture tells us the Nephillim/Rephaim are ineligible to be resurrected.
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