Beware brethren lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God but exhort one another daily, while it is called 'Today' lest any of you be HARDENED by the deceitfulness of sin
We can harden our hearts, open ourselves up to attack and in the end begin to doubt our salvation! Wanting the protection of Jesus and keeping close with Him is not at all works. We do not have to work to be accepted by God. Jesus is our protection. God bless you.
We can harden our hearts, open ourselves up to attack and in the end begin to doubt our salvation! Wanting the protection of Jesus and keeping close with Him is not at all works. We do not have to work to be accepted by God. Jesus is our protection. God bless you.
Look at the scripture again a bit closer. The deceitfulness of sin results in unbelief. Unbelief is disobedience. Obedience is faith. When you hear the gospel taught and receive the truth, called the Spirit of Christ, ( the anointed Word), that seed is planted in our hearts. The seed is of the tree of life, again, the Spirit of Christ, the anointed Word.
We still have the tree of knowledge of good and evil, mindsets of religious works. That one needs to die so feed on the tree of life. That's communion or the truth of the blood and body of Jesus, (ressurrection life) from being part of His body. Here and in heaven.
In time you will understand this greater. And this is just the baby steps.
There's come a time to walk in the truth. Takes the power of Holy Spirit.
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