Hi Seohce,
When I say that works do not save us, I am talking about PHYSICAL works. Like mowing a neighbor's lawn or shoveling their driveway, making a dinner and taking it to a home-bound person, etc etc.. Those things ARE nice, but they will not save us.
Now, on the flip side of that, I believe that *some* of our SPIRITUAL works don't save us, either. For example, praying does not get us saved. Nor does it keep us saved, and it won't get us into heaven. And reading our bibles, that doesn't save us either. Words on a page in a book don't save us. Attending church doesn't save us, either. Singing hymns and listening to a sermon does not save us. They may help us in our spiritual walk, but they don't having saving power.
What DOES save us is our faith and belief in Jesus.

And through that faith and belief, He grants us His grace. So there it is in a nut shell. Grace, faith, belief. THESE things are what saves us, they are what keeps us saved, and they are what will get us into heaven.

This is a Christian Forum and i suppose that mostly on this forum are Christians who believe in God and our Lord Jesus and therefore have FAITH. I'm a believer of the truth in Christ, in the word of truth which is the Gospel of our salvation.
Reading from romans 10:8-17, can i just ask you your opinion or view on this: If there are no workers or servants of God (refering to those in the church or the body of Christ)(1cor ch 12, eph 4:11-13 & 5:23, 1cor 3:9 etc.)would you and i have faith and therefore be saved?
Were you saved without anybody preaching to you the truth of the Gospel?
Do you not consider your purpose of discussing the bible with other believers a good work that may bring salvation to those you are discussing with and those that are just reading along?(1 tim 4:16).
Are we not to serve our God should we get into heaven or the new Jerusalem Just asking for your thought on these things because i really don't like to argue. Thanks.