they will use hebrews 10:26 to teach you can lose salvation. OK!
But lets be consistent: WHY do they teach you can get it back which hebrews 10:26 specifically DENIES!
They jump hoops over it!
But lets be consistent: WHY do they teach you can get it back which hebrews 10:26 specifically DENIES!
They jump hoops over it!
I will never leave thee or forsake thee
We are saved to the uttermost
We are kept by the power of Christ through faith
The faith HE begins, finishes and completes
We are sealed by the HOLY SPIRIT of promise UNTO the day of redemption
We are in the hand of Christ
We are in the hand of the Heavenly FATHER and NO an can yank us fro his hand
Eternal life means temporary life
Everlasting life means temporary life
Saved by grace through faith is false and we must earn or maintain it
The good shepherd will NOT leave the 99 to find the one that wandered
It is finished (paid in full) is false and we still have sins to pay for
The grace of God does not bound ahead of our sin as Paul states
I will lose nothing the Father has given me
He that believes is not condemed (refer to bolded above)
There is no condemnation for those in Christ JESUS (next part not found in the Greek text and was added)
Whosoever believes in him should not perish (see bolded faith above)
Therefore we conclude a man is justified by faith without the deeds/works of the law (bolded above)
The mercy of the Lord endures forever (once applied it cannot end or this is false)
The righteousness of Christ is imputed by faith (see bolded above)
When I see the blood I will pass over you
I place your sins as far as the east is from the west and remember them no more
and on and on and on.......
ALL that teach salvation is losable will say they have never lost it and they ALWAYS do what GOD has commanded (liars)
All that teach salvation must be earned or gained by works ignore Galatians, Romans, Ephesians, John, yank James out of context, ignore JESUS and all the verses that state clearly it is by faith and they ALL do what is required to maintain it
Most that teach it can be lost and regained ignore that HEBREWS stats that if it could be lost NO ONE gets it back
They are all false!!
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