if anyone asks, this is self righteousness, it states my behavior will determine if I make it to heaven or not, my faith is not enough.
Of course, Peter will claim he does not teach works, yet that is not what he just proclaimed.
In this term Peter believes we will be saved by which to of righteousness which we have done, are doing and will do, which takes gods mercy out of the picture, because the only people who need mercy are those who have not earned it by our behavior.
your slander is beyond imagination Peter, I understand this. I would say better than you do, because I experience gods love, I do not try to earn it by my behavior like you do (if you try to deny it, just read the first part of your post I am responding to where you said behavior, not just faith, matters).
I love like God loved because he loved me first, and I have experienced this love beyond comprehension. And I have met people with hatred and animosity, there are quite a few in here, but they can't touch us Peter. Now will you please do what so many people have asked you kindly to do, and STOP TELLING PEOPLE WHAT THEY BELIEVE.
Thats the point Peter, you can not help people if you are not telling them about God, and give them false security in self, telling them their behavior matters, that if they do not shape up God will ship them out.
in trying to help people, your destroying them