How can you believe for a while, stop believing, FALL AWAY and be saved? (If we're talking about luke 8:13)
Oy vey!
This one begs for an explanation! 3 of 4 soils saved?
Oy vey!
This one begs for an explanation! 3 of 4 soils saved?
a. SOME are faithful, grow to maturity and produce an abundance of fruit
b. Some are saved, remain babes in Christ due to a lack of growth and produce very little
c. Some are saved, remain worldly and carnal and the fruit is choked out due to being worldly
I cite the Corinthian church as case example had ALL three of the above in it and some 15 errors
Thomas walked with JESUS for three years and had DOUBT and DID Not believe he was resurrected
Peter walked with JESUS three years and walked on water and was told WHEN you are CONVERTED strengthen the brethern and denied the Lord three times
David was after the mind an heart of God yet committed adultery, murder and numbered the military
Abraham was deceptive about his wife to save his own skin
Moses got drunk after the flood
Proof of growth and maturity...
Abraham.....Believed God and left his home country...HOW many years before he was "whacked" and how many years later was he mature enough to OFFER ISAAC on the ALTAR.........
MOSES took 80 years of preparation before he was chosen to LEAD the children of ISRAEL........
THE BIG ONE.....THE 70 that were rejoicing that they had the ability to cast out DEMONS....JESUS said....DO not rejoice in this.....REJOICE that YOUR NAMES are written IN HEAVEN....
TELL me...WHAT did they DO when they heard a difficult message about eating the flesh of JESUS and drinking his BLOOD........THEY got OFFENDED and walked away.....YET JESUS had said their NAMES were written in HEAVEN......NO where does it say they lost their salvation.........NO WHERE
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