Not even what I am REFUTING. I am REFUTING the following proposition, and have been the whole time
Here is the statement I disagree with..
"It takes a period of growth and maturity to bear ANYTHING" (ie fruit)
Do you agree with this, that a believer has to grow and mature a bit to bear ANY fruit
My GB9 is moving the goalposts. again. That's ALL he has. That and adhominems
If you doubt anyone said the above quote, ask GB9. He couldn't believe it either till I showed it to him
I don't care about the point anymore, but pointing out bad argumentation. See other posts I posted this morning
Here is the statement I disagree with..
"It takes a period of growth and maturity to bear ANYTHING" (ie fruit)
Do you agree with this, that a believer has to grow and mature a bit to bear ANY fruit
My GB9 is moving the goalposts. again. That's ALL he has. That and adhominems
If you doubt anyone said the above quote, ask GB9. He couldn't believe it either till I showed it to him
I don't care about the point anymore, but pointing out bad argumentation. See other posts I posted this morning
Paul gave a lot of instruction in his letters. Why? Gentiles were pagan in their life and knew nothing about morality.
Sometimes we get works mixed up with faith for years. The fruit of that is confusion. Unrest...and no peace. Until we "see".
Hi MMD,,,,
You see, you're idea of a descriptive idea of the gospel actually works to your detriment. (as soteriology, I mean....)
Being rather simple in how I understand the N.T. because I believe it IS to be understood in its whole....I'd never heard of this idea of descriptive and prescriptive.
Here's why Descriptive works to your disadvantage:
As you've "keep" (Greek word Tereo - guard, observe, watch over) is DESCRIPTIVE of someone who is a follower of Christ.
It is DEMONSTRATIVE evidence of having come to know Him --- 1 John 2.3.
It is the FRUIT of salvation.
I agree.
So, by default, IF someone does not "keep" (guard, OBSERVE, watch over) and does NOT DEMONSTRATE the fruits of salvation, which is the evidence of salavation....
then he must surely not be saved.
I agree.
What are the fruits of the Holy Spirit:
Galatians 5:22-25
So if a person does NOT demonstrate the above qualities which are the fruit of the Spirit and born-again life....he is most probably not a true believer in Jesus.
Thanks for helping me to become aware of this concept.
We have so much to learn in our walk with God.
You see, you're idea of a descriptive idea of the gospel actually works to your detriment. (as soteriology, I mean....)
Being rather simple in how I understand the N.T. because I believe it IS to be understood in its whole....I'd never heard of this idea of descriptive and prescriptive.
Here's why Descriptive works to your disadvantage:
As you've "keep" (Greek word Tereo - guard, observe, watch over) is DESCRIPTIVE of someone who is a follower of Christ.
It is DEMONSTRATIVE evidence of having come to know Him --- 1 John 2.3.
It is the FRUIT of salvation.
I agree.
So, by default, IF someone does not "keep" (guard, OBSERVE, watch over) and does NOT DEMONSTRATE the fruits of salvation, which is the evidence of salavation....
then he must surely not be saved.
I agree.
What are the fruits of the Holy Spirit:
Galatians 5:22-25
So if a person does NOT demonstrate the above qualities which are the fruit of the Spirit and born-again life....he is most probably not a true believer in Jesus.
Thanks for helping me to become aware of this concept.
We have so much to learn in our walk with God.
Depending on instruction and the baptism of Holy Spirit, learning the ways of the Lord....the fruits of Holy Spirit are exhibited. Usually through life experiences and hearing His Voice.
No one is born mature.
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