If 144000 missionaries won 1 person. There is 144000 sould won, I believe many more than this will be saved.
When people see the two men rise from the dead and ascend to heaven, How many do you think will repent?
Look at the OT. God sent prophets into harms way all the time. Many were killed. Many were not. But God still sent them.
I believe I will not be here, I am not convinced, but I believe the church will be taken before it all happens.
But if i am wrong, i will do what needs to be done.. We have to be prepaired one way or the other. The world will need us.
When people see the two men rise from the dead and ascend to heaven, How many do you think will repent?
Look at the OT. God sent prophets into harms way all the time. Many were killed. Many were not. But God still sent them.
I believe I will not be here, I am not convinced, but I believe the church will be taken before it all happens.
But if i am wrong, i will do what needs to be done.. We have to be prepaired one way or the other. The world will need us.
I believe we/some of us will still be here during those last 1260 days.
Many will die for their witness. Maybe me, maybe you.
But some will survive and will be alive when Jesus returns.
They will survive because God hides them from the man of sin's army.
God is the one who choses who will be hidden and survive and those who will die for their witness.
I have prepared to hide my family, but if God has other plans, I will do my best to please Him.
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