Hi D...
I am starting to see it for myself now , I must be growing in our LORD...
I was reading today how some are given the gift of discerning , I do not think I have that gift , but I do know
@UnderGrace does , she spotted Nats words very early on...
I am so thankful to God for throwing me in the deep end here , into what was at the time a battlefield in this thread , it spun me round and upside down , but I got through

Love to you all...xox...
A few years back I became very disillusioned with what I would call "churchianity" all the excesses and so much contradiction in doctrine.
I always thought I had a solid foundation but I did somewhat inadvertently begin speaking with a group of street preachers because they were so against 'churchianity" they had some good things to say...but they definitely followed this teaching.
What a time I had, do you know during bible study as a woman I had to stay absolutely silent and by mistake I said something and I was hushed and told to be silent, because of one line in scripture taken out of context.
I could tell you so many stories, somehow I thought I could persuade them about eternal security and what it truly means to be born again (ever hopeful UG LOL) not this stop sinning and you are saved false dogma.
To them, it is carry you cross and if you look back, that is idolatry, well you just better not let that happen, because if you do you will loose your salvation.
So wow after that experience I did spend considerable time in study to really understand the scripture that supports and appears to contradict eternal security and what repentance really means.... so beneficial.
So experience has definitely helped my discernment, but it was a very unpleasant experience to fall into that crowd so I guess that is why I am so strong in my beliefs because it is harmful to the person ultimately and an affront to God.
There is no peace and certainly no grace, but definitely legalism but they call it "works of righteousness." It is mind programming completely of this I am sure.