Do you do God’s will so that you will not lose your salvation? That’s rather selfish of you. Instead, you should do God’s will of bearing fruit for the pure joy of it and rest easily knowing you cannot lose your salvation that is freely and irrevocably given to everyone who has faith in Christ. May God bless you with His glorious truth.
Salvation is life, the continuation eternally of life. Good things are good, in and of themselves, they are also life.
Putting the two together is not wrong or evil.
But I do God's will because I love it and I trust Him, and I know His will is love and justice.
It also happens to be the kingdom of God and salvation.
So where is the losing of salvation? To lose salvation I would have to do evil and walk away from God, which
is self destruction, hurt, pain and unbelievably stupid going on knowing what life is, I do not want to do this.
All your other outworkings and words just do not enter my mind. They come from not seeing God or what
salvation, love and righteousness is.
The odd lie is to say I follow God because I am scared of not following God.
Do you see how nuts that sounds?
It comes from the world that says Gods ways are impossible and we are so bound to sin it is delusion
to believe God could love us and free us. But that is just unbelief in the cross and His word.
God bless you
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