Freewill, whomsoever would, and those "woulds" must continue on in His way. I realize you do not agree with this knowledge. Must we argue? You are sure in your salvation, I am sure of mine. All good. The only problem is any doctrine that has the potential to leave some believing a lie. I am hoping some one would lay it all out together in one cohesive paper and end the "misconceptions and/or misunderstandings"
If you need test your faith you are then in unbelief so sin, and have rejected Christ, the unforgivable sin
in their book, except that is impossible as you are actually safe in Christ.
So in truth they do not have assurance because they can never ask the question to find out.
It is why it becomes a doctrine of intellectualism and not the heart. So much so if we raise these
issues we are satan attacking their faith which is unshakable. This is so contrary to Pauls view,
that we should test ourselves, because being true and loving is more important than appearing
to have faith but ending up with nothing.
Paul was so concerned his gospel might have been wrong he went in private to Jerusalem to
make sure he was preaching correctly. Now that is living faith with a living relationship and
a real foundation. I doubt many on the other side really know this in their hearts and just see
opposition as the enemy, but do not know why it is there.
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