That's why we are exhorted to stay in Christ.
Only believers are eternally secure in Christ.
Go back to unbelief and you are no longer secure in Christ.
All the promises are for people who believe, and for them only. Not for those who stop believing.
Unbelief is what you can 'do' to lose your salvation.
Yes, salvation is eternal. Unlike the salvation that the old covenant provided. It ended when you sinned again, or when the system of priest and sacrifice failed you. Your continued possession of the salvation that will never end is conditioned on your continued trust in Christ. It is through faith that we are shielded by God's power for salvation when Christ returns.
Where does it say salvation is irrevocable for the individual saved person?
Jesus shows us in Matthew 18:23-35 under what conditions the Father will take back a gift.
Only believers are eternally secure in Christ.
Go back to unbelief and you are no longer secure in Christ.
All the promises are for people who believe, and for them only. Not for those who stop believing.
Unbelief is what you can 'do' to lose your salvation.
Yes, salvation is eternal. Unlike the salvation that the old covenant provided. It ended when you sinned again, or when the system of priest and sacrifice failed you. Your continued possession of the salvation that will never end is conditioned on your continued trust in Christ. It is through faith that we are shielded by God's power for salvation when Christ returns.
Where does it say salvation is irrevocable for the individual saved person?
Jesus shows us in Matthew 18:23-35 under what conditions the Father will take back a gift.
You are free to believe you , you alone, as you speak for yourself there, are able to lose your Salvation.
However, those who are in Christ will never lose their Salvation. For that to happen, if that were possible, Jesus would need be crucified all over again. Why? Because contrary to what actual scripture says about His death insuring eternal life, for that one who believes they can lose their Salvation the moment they stop believing, it would mean Jesus dying on the cross was of no avail to save those dead in their sins, if those who were redeemed and then stopped believing are able to undo in that one choice, all that was done for and to them by God and due to Christ's death.
And this would mean then that Jesus death did not do as was prophesied and for all eternity. Which would mean, He did not secure eternal life, and Salvation, He conditionally allotted Salvation contingent on faith. Which isn't in scripture.
And this would also mean that if the one who loses faith is now damned, that not only did their mortal choice to stop believing usurp God's authority over them, as it was His Spirit that made that faithful one a new creation. It would also mean that should that backslider decide to return to Christ, it is the same as saying , Jesus would have to be crucified all over again so as to take away the newly accrued sins of that backslider who has decided now to return to the flock. And of course, all their former sins would return to them, after they were made unregenerated, and were returned to the state of death, and being dead in their sins, again.
And that returned backslider would be conditionally saved contingent on keeping faith in Christ....this time.
If that is what you believe about yourself, so be it. However, as I said before, your idea of salvation need be rebuked so that those who may be seeking the truth of God in Christ are not led to believe it . Because it is not actually true according to the Bible and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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