It would be irresponsible to let that false assertion stand without rebuke. Because there could be someone reading this that happened upon either the thread or that post, and are wondering if it is actually true. Perhaps they left the faith they were raised in, now they're hurting, desperate, and feel the need to return to what they once knew.
To read the above assertion, were it let to stand as is, what hope would that person then have? If they left it at that? "There's no coming back. Jesus died once and once only for the sinner."
While I believe PS should be let to live the faith they have and insist as correct post after post, contrary to correction, I do not believe their faith should be let to stand without rebuke because those who seek solace in their hope of return may actually believe what PS says.
PS is wrong!
Everything that was accomplished for the repentant sinner who came to Christ, was forgiven, and renewed in Jesus, stands for eternity.
Lets get that clear first and foremost. This way whomever may be seeking solace are assured in one sentence that they are not without hope and are instead lost forever. You're not.
For you, anyone who lost faith, that backslider as they're sometimes called, was regenerated in Christ when they came into forgiveness and rebirth in the spirit. Behold the old has gone and the new has arrived. A new creation, who has been washed clean of their sins that God remembers no more, and regenerated in the faith and spirit of Christ Jesus as a new creation. Because that old creation prone to sin, dead in their sins, is now dead. And what arose in the Baptism by water and/or by the Holy Spirit, is a new creation, a new creature alive in Christ. And washed clean of your former sins.
If you are here looking to see if you are able to return to the faith you abandoned for whatever reason before, know that all you need do is repent. Not so that God knows what you've done since you fell away, as He is eternally aware of all things. Rather, it is for the sake of your own peace of mind, that you acknowledge what you've done, are sorely sorry, and repent of those things that held you down, held you back, from the peace you once knew in the faith you left behind.
You are able to leave the faith, however the faith is deeper and more encompassing than just holding the thought that Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. The faith of God in Christ, is a spirit. And that sacred Holy Spirit of God, that is God, entered into you, sealed you with the covenant of regeneration and renewal, and rebirth in this life, for all time.
God knows the heart. And God even saw that you would stumble on your journey with Him due to the circumstances life thew at you.
I think one of the most wonderful assurances on the market today is the very simple message set in the poem,
Footprints In The Sand.(Link)
You can never lose your Salvation. Never. Jesus died and took the sins of the world upon Himself once. And that sacrifice carries the promise the sacrifice was made for, the covenant seal He was born to deliver and die to guarantee, for all eternity.
You the backslider may have fallen from the faith however, Jesus did not let you go. You've found your way back, now repent, and welcome home.

God has always loved you.
Do not ever let yourself be persuaded by false doctrinaires that you can lose your Salvation, or that you can never return to Christ once you've left the faith. God is all things, there is nowhere you can go that you can be without Him present in your life.
Read here to your hearts content.
why a christian can never lose salvation The Bible is truth. Those who contend against it are not.
Welcome home.