Are you asking out of concern for your own salvation?
Often times I think where people get tripped up with salvation and feeling assured is looking at oneself. Examples are questioning one's salvation because of struggling with sin or asking " do I have enough faith?", " have I truly repented?" Etc.
Salvation is God's work, not our work. Look to Jesus. Look to the cross. Is this not enough? Look to his word. Look to Jesus's character. He did not turn anyone away. He cared for people's physically health through healing them who came to him time and time again. Jesus is also the physician of our souls and He cares for you.
Often times I think where people get tripped up with salvation and feeling assured is looking at oneself. Examples are questioning one's salvation because of struggling with sin or asking " do I have enough faith?", " have I truly repented?" Etc.
Salvation is God's work, not our work. Look to Jesus. Look to the cross. Is this not enough? Look to his word. Look to Jesus's character. He did not turn anyone away. He cared for people's physically health through healing them who came to him time and time again. Jesus is also the physician of our souls and He cares for you.
Did that count? Or being God knows everything did he know why I did that and I'm not really saved now?
I guess I just want answers and assurance rather than thinking if I just believe I am saved that I am. I think I don't make sense now so I'll leave it there.
Thank you for your assistance and for everyone here giving their sincere responses. They are deeply appreciated.
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