In John 3:19 KJV, the word is "AGAPAO" which means "to prefer". The word occurs 110 times in the New Testament, specifically for behavior between people.
In Matthew 24:12, KJV, the word is "AGAPE" which means "unconditional love of God"
In Matthew 24:12, KJV, the word is "AGAPE" which means "unconditional love of God"
that's just a verb form and noun form of exactly the same word, for which you are making up your own private definitions to suit yourself.
and in KJV it's not agape. it's love/charity. the NT is Greek. the KJV is not the scripture; it's a translation into the foreign Babel we happen to speak natively.
but let's not going any further down your little arguing-over-words-to-destroy-the-hearer rabbithole.
you are wrong on this point; it is established.