I'll spell it out: Just as ducklings are to abide in momma duck, lest they be devoured by predators, Jesus "the Vine" commands His Christian "branch" followers to abide in Him, lest we end up in the fire destruction. The Christian can either choose to continually "abide" aka "surrender our will", or cease from doing so and wind up in the fire of destruction.
You do realize Jesus constantly taught spiritual lessons from the natural world, right? Your argument is both irrelevant and asisnine.
That's why I reject religion that limits our experience to only "physical observation and following practices and rules, ect."
I also reject OSAS advocates characterizing their opponents as Legalists because none of us believe salvation can be earned, maintained, or lost by our actions. We believe salvation is accepted and retained by "belief" - but not "trembling demon" belief that OSAS teaches - but true belief that always leads to surrender of the will, per Matthew 26:39 KJV and Luke 22:42 KJV.
You do realize Jesus constantly taught spiritual lessons from the natural world, right? Your argument is both irrelevant and asisnine.
That's why I reject religion that limits our experience to only "physical observation and following practices and rules, ect."
I also reject OSAS advocates characterizing their opponents as Legalists because none of us believe salvation can be earned, maintained, or lost by our actions. We believe salvation is accepted and retained by "belief" - but not "trembling demon" belief that OSAS teaches - but true belief that always leads to surrender of the will, per Matthew 26:39 KJV and Luke 22:42 KJV.
i am literally looking at the K J V translation of the greek word abide right now, the word meno used over a 100 times , including John 15, and not one definition is to surrender.
it means, as in said earlier, and also what the word plainly means
i mean , i do not have to surrender to my house to abide in my house..
so, i suggest you retract the wrong statement you just made about " abide" meaning " surrender", it clearly does not.
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